One of the things the CRPT has found to be most difficult in working in the paranormal field has nothing to do with the realm of spirit... it has to do with our living human counterparts. The paranormal community is unfortunately riddled with rivalry and competition which undermines our attempts to validate experiences and phenomena that are outside of our realm of everyday understanding. For some reason many investigators, and even entire investigative groups, seem to hold a sense of ownership to locations they have investigated... they don't find value in sharing knowledge... and they don't work from a basis of respect for others. This is changing for the good however, and largely due to the work of a wonderful group of investigators - NEPA Paranormal founded by Bob Christopher .
Coal Region Paranormal Team has had the awesome experience of meeting and working with this team due to their philosophy of paranormal teams coming together and working together - in other words, Paranormal Unity. If you have not already heard of the Ghost Detectives television show, you will. This show presents paranormal investigating as it is. Sometimes fun, sometimes a bit boring. Sometimes full of evidence, sometimes with none. They are not founded on drama but rather on the refreshing concept of realistically presenting what we do as investigators! And now, because of their philosophy regarding other investigators, they have opened their virtual doors to the field.
The CRPT was invited to co-investigate with NEPA for a Season Two episode of Ghost Detectives and was thrilled to accept this invitation. We took them to one of our favorite locations, Studio 207 (thank you Kristie!) in August 2011 and had a wonderful time. The Ghost Detectives team were open and friendly, down to earth... and they were genuinely happy to interact with and meet the CRPT members! The awesome photo above was taken by them!
Our shows filmed with this team aired in Season Two Three and Four and Five of Ghost Detectives. We are proud to announce that we will be investigating another great location for Season Six (yes, they are filming a Sixth season!) . The spirits of Studio 207 the Mansfield State University, The Montour County Court House and the Mahanoy City Elks Lodge were very obliging and both shows a hold on to your seat experience. Although we have already noted that many times investigations are a bit boring and do not produce any evidence... this was not the case!
Coal Region Paranormal Team wishes Ghost Detectives continued success and is proud to participate in the Paranormal Unity campaign. We have found new friends in the NEPA/Ghost Detective Team and hope to see those friendships grow stronger and longer! To Bob Christopher, we raise a toast. Bob is truly a man who not only talks the talk, but he walks that talk. Thank you for this experience!!
Paranormal Unity
Investigators working together to further our understanding of the paranormal field. Sharing knowledge and skills. Developing new technology. Building friendships. Helping others to validate and/or understand their experiences. Building friendships. Building respect for each other and for what we do.
This is what it's all about.